Currently Running Promos

SCICUBE LIMITED is dedicated to provide you with the most comprehensive set of products at the best pricing. This page will show you a summary of all our currently running promos and special offers.

  • Renewals and Transfers will not attract this special pricing.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of domains that can be registered through this promotion.
Tlds Promo Price Max Promo Registration Year(s)
.pics HKD 18.90 1
.vip HKD 51.06 1 HKD 33.05 1
.host HKD 96.59 1
.lol HKD 18.94 1
.blog HKD 44.39 1
.eu HKD 26.40 1
.org HKD 95.54 1
.us HKD 51.06 1
.biz HKD 64.07 1
.homes HKD 18.90 1
.club HKD 55.79 1